Ortaklar / VERE MONTIS - Croatıa

Ortaklar / VERE MONTIS - CroatıaKurslar

VERE MONTIS is a non-profit, non-govermental organization founded with the aims of promoting of civil society and protection of human rights, especially of children and young people; raising awareness of children and young people by promoting the values of the society of equal opportunities for all citizens, especially the promotion of gender equality, affirmation of rights and integration into society of persons with disabilities and to combat all forms of violence, especially gender-based violence and all forms of social exclusion, discrimination and stereotypes; raising awareness of young people and promoting quality of life through sports, commitment to ecology and sustainable development and the fight against all forms of addiction; encouraging the development and strengthening of local and regional communities; increasing public awareness of the role of civil society organizations in society; promoting the idea of active involvement of citizens in community life and to support civil initiatives; promoting cross-sectoral cooperation in society; Non-formal education and employment of young people and marginalized groups, promoting of health for marginal / vulnerable groups; promoting the rights of persons with disabilities and other marginalized / vulnerable groups; establishing a platform of civil society organizations; networking with existing civil society organizations at local, regional, national and international level, to work on common goals; organizing socand implementing of education, trainings, workshops and lectures that will be implemented by members of the association and the transfering knowledge acquired through years of work and experience in the areas of the association; promoting social inclusion of all marginalized / vulnerable groups; implementing of EU cohesion policy; protecting and promoting of EU values; encouraging, coordinating and organizing various events and cultural events with the aim of preserving cultural heritage and the development of civil society; creating and producing of media campaign; Work with children and young people with various disabilities and behavioral disorders; Organizing ecological and recreational camps and trips to the nature in which will be the environmental, recreational, creative and other group activities to implement prevention programs with young people;
Activities of NGO:
• Cooperation with other organizations, relevant government bodies, and other legal entities and individuals at home and abroad,
• Promoting non-violent conflict resolution among young people and children and to develop the ability of non-violent problem solving by participating in various cultural and social activities,
• The organization of round tables, seminars, events, forums, lectures and screenings for children and youth,
• Organization and implementation of education, training, workshops and lectures that will be implemented by members of the Association and the transfer of knowledge acquired during years of work and experience in the areas of the association,
• Production of publications (brochures, leaflets, posters, books, etc.) in the field of activities of the Association,
• Development and implementation of various projects in the sphere of civil society with a focus on topics related to the objectives of the association,
• Production of media campaigns
• Organization and implementation of education in the field of media and film literacy
• Promoting dialogue and contributing to the disappearance of prejudice, stereotypes, ignorance, intolerance and discrimination through participation in civil society among young people, children, people with disabilities, deaf and deaf-mute, people with metal damage and ethnic minorities,
• Promotion and development of volunteerism by encouraging the participation of children, youth and adults through a variety of volunteer activities, and promoting volunteerism through education and promotional campaigns,
• Development cooperation and conclusion of international friendships for the protection and promotion of human rights,
• Organization of national and international scientific conferences and scientific and professional papers, schools, conferences and seminars,
• Non-institutional education for the protection and promotion of human rights of all groups of people, regardless of age, gender, religion, national origin and any form of discrimination in the field of human rights,
• Inclusion, help and support as well as information, counseling, education, various forms of prevention, playrooms, workshops, clubs for socially disadvantaged groups,
• Organizing adventure, sports, cultural / artistic and other projects, meetings and tournaments